Bill Nigreen
This website is a record of my career: 10 years as an academic philosopher, 18 years in the business world, and 19 years as Facilitation for Social Change, where I worked with more than one hundred Boston-area cultural non-profits.
You'll find testimonials to the kinds of work I did under Client List/Client Stories.
For my volunteer roles, please refer to Non-Profit Affiliations.
Finally, my earlier professional career is summarized in Background.
Thank you for visiting. Please be in touch.
Bill Nigreen
7 Fayette Street
Boston, MA 02116
When asked why he continued to practice four and five hours a day at 80 years old, the great cellist Pablo Casals answered: “Because I think I am making progress.”

Boston Foundation Centennial Convening, 2015. Photo: Richard Howard.